Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tip for Pravin

Here's one for Pravin. The lad has to step into the shoes of Trevor Manuel and that ain't easy, especially when there is serious pressure on the budget. It's gonna be a fight with numbers tomorrow when he presents his first, national budget to the MPs and the nation at large (aka us).

Got an idea for him. Every newly built home, with a value of R800.000 or more, has to have (obligation, not an option) a solar geyser.

1. If it is an obligation by law then the architects can work the solar geyser into their drawing plans.
2. It create jobs as more solar geyser installators will be needed. And these are solid, handy jobs like plumbers and electricians.
3. The demand for solar geysers will increase and thus price will drop.
4. More solar geysers = less pressure on our stretched powergrid.
5. And we do our bit for the environment, which is good as such as well as great PR on the international scene
6. South Africa can become leaders in solar geyser installations and can export that trade to SADC.
7. In a second phase you can expand this law/plan to renovations and small business.

Only postive aspects!!!!!

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