Monday, March 29, 2010

Paddle on

Saturday morning. Flowing from tiny back yard river into larger river and likely into bigger river to end up in the Indian ocean and onwards into all oceans of the world. Free flowing and touring the globe.

No restrictions, no obligations nor plans. Just flowing freely. The pace decided by nature. Decided by the mood of the water. But even the pace is of no importance at all. Flowing freely wherever it leads and at whatever speed. Just going. The here and now of strangely no importance. The here and now important to all of us except to him. Freely flowing. Going places.

Ashes to ashes.... to water. Thanks James, flow nicely, freely. For those here and now.... I got that image of Mr JT on a canoe battling the ocean waves. Today the Indian ocean. Tomorrow passing by Japan and being greeted by whales. Then through the icy waters of Canada and down to the warmer Atlantic. Looking at the baking tourists on the beaches of Ibiza. Passing by the fishermen near the west coast of Africa. Around the stormy Cape and through the Madagascar channel. And on and on. Freely. Paddling away.

Go well. Sounds extremely stupid at the same time but what can mortals say to the free flowing ashes?

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