Monday, August 30, 2010

7 Day forecast

End of winter?? Yes!!!

Johannesburg seven day forecast.

Tuesday 7-24°C Sunny. Mild.
Wednesday 6-24°C Sunny. Mild.
Thursday 6-26°C Sunny. Mild.
Friday 7-26°C Sunny. Mild.
Saturday 8-25°C Sunny. Mild.
Sunday 9-27°C Sunny. Pleasantly warm.
Monday 10-27°C Sunny. Pleasantly warm.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The radio this morning reported that stocks had fallen.

I was wondering on what or whom had they fallen? And did the stocks injure themselves and were taken to ICU by ER24? Stocks on lifesupport? Stocks in coma? Stocks on a drip? Stocks recovering well? Stocks back out of hospital?

Do we have to wear crash helmets when walking outside to protect ourselves from falling stocks?

Joe Bloke died today when walking to the corner shop for a fresh coffee and a pastry. He got hit by fallen stock. Fractured skull. Last breath. He will be missed. Funeral next Monday.

Can you sue stocks for causing damage?

Eish.... confusion!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pain in Spain

When it hurts.... it hurts.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Made it!

First it takes over SA, now it takes over England (and beyond) through the backdoor despite the many bans from football- and rugby clubs.

The vuvuzela will make its entry in the new Oxford Dictionary of English, that hits the world (well, the English speaking world) today.

The dictionary-of-all-dictionaries defines our noisemaker as a long plastic instrument, in the shape of a trumpet, that makes a very loud noise when you blow it and is popular with football fans in South Africa.

There you have it. Once you made it into that dictionary you are part of world history forever.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Track 2

"We spin ourselves out of control"
The Generators, track 2 ("Sound Off The Alarms") on "Between the devil and the deep blue sea"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Relativity of time

Winter seems to be sliding away and back into the cellar till next year's appearance.

Bafana Bafana, under new coach, meets Ghana's Black Stars in Soccer City next week. Good way to kick the post world cup blues into oblivion and start a new campaign for the 2012 Africa Cup and 2014 Brazil.

The week's been rolling away as it seems to do faster and faster. Illusions of time. Relativity of time.

The week that just was. Sunday Times. NPA. BP and its 'cap'. Liverpool FC maybe owned by Chinese government. Kenyan referendum. Deadly fire. Gautrain rats. Strike or no strike. BA launching extra daily flight to Cape Town. Lectures. New biographies from Jay Naidoo and Dennis Goldberg. And from Rica too. Final print and shaky deadlines. Juba. Kigali. The Beira-Blantyre-Harare link. Diamonds. Catwalk courtroom. Blackberry bans. Tshabalala wants to go to Europe to kick some balls there. Generator. Alex to the rescue. Toy Story 3. Young Livers and their tunes.