Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bands and pants

It's downhill for Rooney. From pants troubles to footy troubles.

Before getting married it was generally known that Man Utd striker Wayne Rooney liked to pay for sex. Then he got married and started a family. But it seems this didn't stop his moonlighting. And his private troubles started to rock his performances on the pitch of the famous Red Devils. And thus his manager started to get nervous and had a talk to his wild child. But as these things go (ask Tiger Woods) it's hard to stop a downhill train. So Rooney's performance started to get worse. And just at a moment where Man Utd really needed its striker to be in full swing. And thus at the bottom of the hill comes the hard reality and thus a breakdown in dealings between Rooney and his club, and thus a breakdown in contract renewal negotiations,... and thus much talk of Rooney leaving Man Utd very soon. There's only 1 person to blame!

From pants to bands. Irish superband U2 is coming to SA next February it seems. 2 Gigs, 1 in the FNB stadium in Jozi and 1 in Cape Town. At least the world cup stadiums will be full again for once.

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