Monday, November 1, 2010

The Zuma show

The week (incl. weekend) that was.

Halloween seems a growing US export product. Zuma sends some packing and contacts the printers for new biz cards for others. The Sharks rule in their tank. Magic touch from Torres lifts Liverpool's spirits. The Tea Party is the talk of the town across the US of A. Lions in the Free State. Mandela at the Market Theatre. UPS and its explosive content. 1Time and its evacuation. Brazil gets first female president (they always seem a step ahead of us). To confuse us all, Europe changed their clocks last weekend and the US will do the same next weekend. Eish! Joao Silva is in DC. We wish him strength. Herschelle Gibbs is stepping on some toes. Has Vavi become an informal sushi promoter? Cuz any publicity is good publicity.... And the SABC keeps slipping up and delivering us more 'surprises'. Yesterday, less than 2 hours after Zuma's major cabinet reshuffle, SABC3's 7pm English bulletin started with the line that El Presidente changed his team,... but then the newsanchor said "We'll come back to that story a bit later". Wow. How to ridiculize yourself on a major local news day! Double eish!

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