Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mossel Bay blues

I discovered that Mossel Bay is already in full world cup fever.

Since Paraguay (already qualified) decided to base themselves in the coastal town during the world cup, the media frenzy has taken a giant leap. BBC, Brazilian TV, CNN, amongst others, have all stopped in Mossel Bay to make a portrait of the coastal town. Mossel Bay blues.

The town’s slogan is “No hurry, no worries”. And Mossel Bay peacefully lies in between Cape Town and Port Elizabeth. It just feels that the Paraguayans will have a nice time there.

The appearance on international TV channels is a big plus for its marketing and tourism. And the town has also been very smart in creating a Spanish-language website as the number of enquiries from Latin America is growing every day. Check out the site, it’s pretty well done:

I also discovered that Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias landed here in February 1488. And it seems also that Mossel Bay boasts the only north-facing beach in Southern Africa. Just what I read somewhere....

Oh and in case the Paraguayans are wondering. The temperatures for June are between an average low of 12 degrees Celcius and highs of 19. Feels freshly healthy for training.

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