Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Poster politics

I had heard about it some time ago but hadn't seen it yet.

Now a friend of mine from the eastcoast of the US sent me the picture proof.

Some company has paid for anti-Obama posters to be put up here and there across America. It's a crude way of politics but that's the way it goes I guess.

Wonder how the South African political class would react if some rich bloke decided to put up posters of Mbeki saying "Miss me yet?".... And it can be expanded to many non-political fields I guess. Poster boy Benni McCarthy saying "Miss me yet?" with Bafana Bafana colours. Or Clive Barker doing the same thing. Plenty of options here...

My American friend was wondering how he and his mates could take it down so they don't have to look at it on their way to work every day. They got a shock when they saw it for the first time as they knew about these posters in other communities but didn't expect it on their turf.

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