Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Messi the magician

96 And still jumping jack flash. South Africa now also holds the world record of the oldest bungy jumper.

Mohr Keet from George jumped of the 216 meter high Bloukrans Bridge, which links the Western and Eastern Cape. Kick that!

Wow wow wow. It was magical. He was magical. That is Argentinian Lionel Messi outgunning the Gunners from London last night. Four goals from the young lad takes Barcelona into the semi finals of the Champions League. Next scalp is Inter Milan.

Messi is only in his early 20s but he has already made sure that the world has forgotten about Ronaldo. With Messi in magical form Argentina can go really far in the upcoming worldcup. And that showpiece is just about 2 months away only.

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