Friday, July 9, 2010

Paul vs Pauline

It's turning into underwater animal abuse.

Since the start of the worldcup Paul the octopus in Germany has correctly predicted the outcome of all Germany's games in South Africa so far by choosing the mussel in the box with the flag on of the team that would win.

All correct so far. German victories against Australia, Ghana, England and Argentina, and German defeats against Serbia and Spain. Now Paul predicts Germany will beat Uruguay tomorrow in the so called small final.

Then Paul was put to the test regarding the Holland - Spain final. A first prediction without Germany involved. Paul went for the mussel in the Spanish box and thus..... Spain will be world champion on Sunday.

The Dutch didn't take it lightly. They found their own octopus in a zoo in The Hague. A female octopus called Pauline. Same mussle trick. Pauline went for the box with the Dutch flag.

Animal rights activists should have a look at this maybe.

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