Thursday, July 8, 2010

Visa Espana Viva

And there you have it. The 2010 worldcup final will be between Spain and The Netherlands. A clash between European brothers. Superstars Brazil can watch it on TV back home.

The header by Spanish defender Puyol last night against Germany was hardcore. Spain outclassed Germany in passing and tactical control of the game. Amazing to watch.

It's part of the beauty of soccer. It has a strong element of unpredictability. Germany cruised through the worldcup with 4-0 trashings of Australia and Maradona's Argentina, and also sending the proud English home 4-1. Amazing record during a worldcup.

Spain on the other hand started bad with a surprise loss against tiny Switzerland. Then they moved through the worldcup without convincing at all.

And now the tables are turned. Last night Spain was magical.

And thus, as I said many times, I support Spain to be crowned world champions next Sunday. Viva Espana viva.

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