Monday, September 6, 2010

Man on ladder

A man on a ladder near an electric fence at the moment of a ring at the door makes for a shocking encounter.

The ring at the door was a lady and a (her??) child spreading the Jehoha Witness gospel and assembling a fanbase ahead of an upcoming gathering of souls in Randburg.

The man, recently on a ladder, politely - but firmly - rejected the invitation. So his encounter with his electric fence was to meet the religious sales team. That's a sour. Sign from God or related ones, some (aka the believers) might say....

Same day, few hours later. Man, previously on the ladder, reads that the Californian punks Anti-Flag released a single called "The second coming of nothing". Another sign?!? Or revenge of the non-believers?

One thing's for sure. There is serious voltage flowing through that fence.

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