Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fatal error

Uh! The computer screen read "Fatal error: Call to undefined function".

It came seriously unannounced and unwelcome. Swear words was my reaction. And it disappeared in silence. Back to its dark, unknown, IT labyrinth.

I get "Processing A Threat" regularly when emails are coming in. And then obviously, as probably many if not all of us, regular spam emails by Nigerians promising me billions US$, or some ABSA email telling me to log on and do something with my personal details (I don't even have an ABSA account!!), or even SARS telling me of un-existing refunds, or some poor Malawian lady wanting to share with me the millions of cash her dead uncle left her.

The world wide web is a strange place. Meanwhile The Bouncing Souls' new release "Ghosts on the boardwalk" is pleasantly rocking in the background. Ghosts in the laptop more likely..... Aliens. ETs. Invaders from Uranus and beyond. All in my personal laptop space. I need IT-doom.

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