Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Zulu swing

He is nearly 68 but still swinging it. He that is JZ.

Jacob Zuma got married for the 5th time this week. The rights or wrongs about that is another issue. What got my attention is how JZ seems still pretty fit during his traditional Zulu wedding ritual up in the hills of KZN. Splashed all over the TV news last night.

Walking and singing and dancing and stamping down the feet and all that. JZ will be 68 in April this year but still seems to have the gusto for the Zulu song and dance festivities.

A local paper this morning put it very confusingly. Its headline was that JZ tied the knot for the 3rd time, but then the opening lines of the article was about Zuma's 5th marriage. How do you put that together? It's simple. JZ got married for the 5th time and has currently 3 wives, after 1 divorce and the suicide of another wife.

As part of Constitutional equality I wonder when the first case of a woman taking 5 husbands will occur.

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