Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Big 8

Size matters. We already have our famous Big 5. Now we also have the world largest web-spinning spider. Welcome to the Big 6.

And if you add the whales that grace our shores, it’s the Big 7. And we also have the great white visiting us regularly (and here and there biting chunks out of a surfboard), so that’s the Big 8. It’s a rollercoaster of Big-ness (yes, I claim copyright for this new word!).

It was my brother late yesterday that alerted me on our giant spider. He and his partner are about to land at OR Tambo in the coming weeks and spotted the spider story in some European media. Big fuss and growing fear at their home because his partner really does not like spiders. And now she is about to come to SA for the first time,... and slap bang wang, we have now also super spiders that make super webs. Like from a horror movie.

As they say, Africa is not for the faint hearted.

This super spider was found in Tembe Elephant Park in KZN. There goes the neighbourhood.

I wonder what the German football players and crew are going to do now? They are apparently already thinking of putting on bullet proof jackets against crime in South Africa when they come here for the world cup. Maybe we should warn them that spiders can crawl under those jackets! We should make sure the Germans play their games in Durban so they can get worried about the spiders from Tembe Park. I can see them already lifting their bed sheets carefully and checking their beds out before going to sleep. Spider fear rocks the German team. No sleep. Anxiously sweating through the night. Shaky legs on the pitch. Loose 4-0 against North-Korea. Coach fired.

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