Tuesday, October 13, 2009

House of War

This Thursday will see the launch of Hamilton Wende’s new book House Of War. The event is at Exclusive Books in Rosebank, Joburg.

It’s Hamilton’s 6th book or so. You might see him sometimes with commentary pieces in The Star newspaper. He is a well-travelled journalist, commentator, writer,...

I got an advanced copy of House Of War from publisher Penguin. It’s a good read. Northern Afghanistan and the former Soviet states bordering it are at the centre of the book, but there are also flashbacks to the characters’ lives in the US, South Africa and Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. The book is a fast-paced journalistic journey with Alexander The Great’s historic, and bloody, passage through that part of the world as backdrop. The story is well-woven together with ancient history, flashbacks and modern times journalistic adventures as pillars throughout the book. I liked it and thus can recommend it.

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