Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The High Line

Got this picture in my inbox from a friend who went for a brief visit to New York City. You know that big metropolitan on the other side of the pond (more known as the Atlantic Ocean).

It’s a very creative, green, interesting, smart, original idea. A long, old, elevated train track that has not been used for many years has been turned into a green walkway. Indeed the city of NY has turned an old train track that was running above the streets on the city’s lower West Side into a pedestrial route. So you are walking above the busy streets of NY. What a fantastic idea. It's called The High Line.

This old line was built in the 1930s to keep freight trains away from ordinary traffic and thus an elevated track was constructed. But the train traffic on this line stopped in 1980 and since then the tracks lay abandoned and nature had taken over. So instead of taking it all done the city decided to keep this historic structure and turn it into a green walkway. An elevated public park. It’s just fantastic. Great idea to copy in other cities across the globe!

And read more about it here: www.thehighline.org

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