Monday, October 26, 2009

Torres' magic

Sunday braai at Mr Brown’s place was nearly rained out but then Joburg stuck to its summer tradition and kept the rain shower brief. Company was good, meat was tasty, salads were fresh, beer was cold. Had to keep it short as had to run off to Melville for a 4pm encounter of note.

Bunch of friends. Wide screen TV set. Beers. Liverpool vs Manchester United. The place was the Portuguese Fish Place on 7th Street. Remember the name because when the world cup comes to hit SA this will be a good place to hang out and watch the games. The t-shirt might be a sweater as temperatures will be lower, but the chance of rain will be much less to even close to zero.

Oh.. and thank you Torres for that magical kick that brought the Reds back from a bleak couple of weeks. What a goal! And Torres’ magic will be hitting our shores next year as Spain is qualified for the world cup. Nice!

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